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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Party

So, this weekend we went a Christmas party. It was actually very well done. And we both had a blast. It's crazy how fast this month has gone by. We're actually in the single digits for the countdown to Christmas. Before you know it the month will be over and it'll be another month closer to March. If only it came faster, all good things come to thoes that wait.
On another note, the planning for our wedding is going along just smoothly. We actually have the temple reserved and things really are going great. ANNNND.... we bought our first item for the recption! It's only the center piece thingy lol. But, still it's a start. We're both just so excited with everything. Our new saying to each other is simpally wishpering in each other's ear that we're getting married. Seriously, this is the happiest we're both ever been in our whole life. And we wouldn't change it for the world.

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