Amanda has asked that I write something in regards to the holidays..... So, Christmas came and went and it was the first of many for Amanda and myself. The Christmas spirit was here for sure. It was nice to have Amanda over for dinner. Christmas has always been a special time of year for the both of us, and it was such a blessing to be able to spend it together. Even though we're not married yet, it was still nice to be able to spend our very first Chirstmas together. Everyone knows that Christmas isn't about all the gifts you get or don't get, it's about giving and caring and remembering our Savior and all that he has done for us. But, I'm still going to brag a bit about the wonderful things that Amanda got me. She gave me this kinda dogtag thingy on a chain that says, "10-01-07" on one tag and on the other it reads, "A prayer answered." This gift really meant a lot to me. October 1st was the first day met each other and from there the rest is history. I recieved some other memorable gifts from her, but that's the gift that really got to me. I love her so much. A lot of gifts were exchanged on Christmas and it was a good day for all of us. My family loved having Amanda around. My mom really can't stop telling me how much she loves having another girl around. Amanda truly fits well into the family and it already feels like she belongs. I truly love this time of year. You have the wonderful Christmas season and the start of a new year. This year is ending and it's the beginning of many years spent with my soulmate, and as of Decmber 24th... Amanda and I have been engaged for a month! Well, both Amanda and I wish to all that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy News Years. And expect a miracle.... they really do come. That's how we came together!
Love you guys,
Nick and Amanda