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Friday, April 17, 2009

We're Moving!

This post is a little out dated, but we've been busy as you can tell! Nick and I are moving to Mesa, AZ. We'll be heading out on May 15th, and driving across the country.

Nick and I both felt an impression that we needed to move, quite a few months ago, after researching different places and praying about them, we both felt that the Mesa area was where we should go.

Mesa is about 45 minutes outside of Phoenix, we're not sure if we'll definitely end up in that exact city, or one of the outlying towns around there, here's a little map of the area we're looking at.

"The plan" is to get a short term lease on an apartment until we get get settled into new jobs and check out the area more, and then purchase a house in the next 4-6 months while the market is still low.

and let's not forget the beautiful Mesa temple! (hehe I had to post a picture of this, because it is quite beautiful!)
We are very excited, this is a very big adventure for us, and we can't wait to see where our lives will take us!