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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's been one year already?!

Saturday 3/21/09 was our One year anniversary! I will have to post some pictures later, as I said before, we haven't been able to find our camera in a few weeks, so we took some pictures with our phone, and we still need to upload them onto our computers.

Nick and I each took off 4 days from work to be able to spend some time together to relax. Our lives have been so busy lately with work, church callings, Nick's school, etc etc. that we just needed to take a break.

We started our weekend on Friday by going to Adagio Spa and Salon in Barrington for a couples massage. The place is wonderful, and just what we needed. With the couples massage, you get a half hour in the Sauna before your massage, which felt really nice on my achy muscles. (my back has been sore from work) It was very romantic, and just perfect for celebrating our first year together.

That night we went out to my favorite place for dinner -Panera! :) and had some great soup and sandwiches. MMMmmMM! I am so happy that they built one in Dover. No longer do I have to drive 30 minutes just for some great soup!

Saturday, we of course had the top of our wedding cake, which was absolutely delicious! I had forgotten how good it was. We had a strawberry cake for our wedding cake (my favorite) We decked out the occasion, by me putting on my wedding dress,-or rather, just barely squeezing into it. lol it was definitely an "I now officially need to start losing some weight" moment. We used the toasting glasses we used at our wedding, as well as the cake sering utensils from our wedding. It was a nice way to remember the day we were married.

That evening we went out to the movies to see Knowing, an AMAZING movie btw. very suspenceful, but the ending was beautiful and had what I like to think of as a subtle LDS theme to it. I don't want to ruin it, so I won't say anymore than that. Except GO SEE IT :)

After the movie, we headed over to the Olive Garden for dinner. Besides the hour long wait, it was very nice. I recommend the Chicken Carbonera. It was fabulous! Nick's choice...not so good-lol. He doesn't remember the name of it, but it was some shrimp over angel hair pasta. Thank goodness for the salad and breadsticks!

We also spent the weekend watching our new favorite show, The Ledgend of the Seeker on my laptop, as it doesn't play on TV until about 1am around here. :( Needless to say, we're all caught up! The show is based off of the Terry Goodkind, Sword of Truth novels. Nick has read a ton of them and absolutely loves them, so when he heard that they were making a tv show out of it, OF COURSE we had to watch it! :) It really is a great show though. Think of it as, LOTR with a different plot line. I hope that it becomes more popular so that they will keep up the series. There are 11, VERY LONG, books in the series, so they have plenty of material to go off of! :)

All in all, it was a great, and most of all, RELAXING weekend.

-pictures to come!

Relief Society Birthday

Last Tuesday, was the annual RS birthday. This year we had a wonderful spaghetti dinner, and the priesthood all served us, complete with aprons and everything. Travis Park DEFINITELY won for best dressed! You know you've got a great husband when he will willingly put on an apron like that!-Go Mandy!

Afterward we had a service Yankee swap, which I thought was a great idea. (And I get to go out to lunch with Heidi) It was great fun, and it was nice to have a reason to get out of the house! The priesthood even serenaded us afterward! What a great group of men we have!

We haven't been able to find our camera in a couple of weeks, so I stole these pictures from Mike and Ariane's Blog :) -THANKS GUYS!!

The Amazing Cake that Sister Brown made. "Give Said the Little Stream"

The dinner. Mandy's(the one on the far left) husband was the one in the beautiful red apron.

The Service Swap!

The men singing!-lol I crack up everytime I see that apron!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Difficult News

So, Nick and I have been keeping a secret for awhile now, and we're finally coming out in the open as a way to just inform the people in our lives and to just gain some support.

Nick and I have been trying to conceive for about 7 months now. We didn't originally plan on trying to have children for at least a year after we were married, but about 3 months into our marriage, we felt a strong impression that we needed to start trying for a child. It is now come to our attention that this will be much more difficult of a process than originally planned.


I am bipolar, and was on many different medications, and so back in July we made an appointment with my OBGYN for a consultation. At that time it was decided that, if possible, I should stop all of my medications. Which I have.

I've always had a feeling that whenever I decided to try to get pregnant that it wouldn't be easy. I have never had regular periods. I remember asking my OBGYN at about 18 years old, if my irregularity would cause me to have difficulty in conceiving, and she stated that I shouldn't worry about it until that time came when I was ready to start trying.

After stopping birth control back in July, and 3 months of trying to conceive naturally, my periods went right back to being irregular. I went in for another consultation with my OBGYN in Oct 2008. I had just skipped a period, and she had decided to start me on Provera to get my period, and then follow up with 50mg Clomid. I was also sent for blood work at this time.

All of my original blood tests came back normal, except for an overactive thyroid, which was re-tested and was then within normal limits. I was tested after my first round of clomid to see if I ovulated. (Which I did) The plan from there was to try another 2 months with the clomid.

December 2008, while on my second round of Clomid, I skipped another period. A home pregnancy test came back Negative, and 2 blood tests for pregnancy were also negative. My OBGYN decided to increase my clomid to 100mg and if Nick and I did not conceive my next cycle then he would go for a semen analysis, and I will go in for a HSG test.

I've now just skipped another period while on the 100mg of clomid. Pregancy tests have all come back negative as well, so we will be starting the other testing this month.

The whole process is becoming more real to us now, particularly now that we're going in for all of this extra testing.

On one hand, I know that trying to conceive for 7 months isn't that long, most doctors wait until people have been trying for at least a year before intervening in any way, but on the other hand, it's kind of hard to even try if I have no idea when/if I'm ovulating, it's just a shot in the dark, and hoping that things work out. It's also tough because of my moods being all over the place due to hormones and the fact that I'm not on any of my medications, which can also be quite a dangerous thing for me.

So that's where we're at. we just wanted to add it here for our own journal purposes and also to give everyone an update of what's going on in our lives.